
Located within the RM of Alonsa near the southwest shore of Lake Manitoba. It is approximately 178 km from Winnipeg.

Community Links:




MMF Status: Active

Métis Local #: 90

Population (2021 Census): Alonsa (RM) - 1,210

Community Government/Council: Township of Amaranth

Languages Spoken: English

Available Care

Closest Access Hospital with Emergent or Urgent Care: Gladstone Health Centre/Portage La Prairie

Closest Pharmacy: Gladstone/Portage

Services available at the closest accesible nursing station/health centre/hospital/clinic that serves Métis people:
Rehabilitation services, cancer care, Dialysis, homecare, Mental health, public health, primary healthcare.

Nearest access for being weighed: Gladstone Health Centre

Cancer Navigation Line:
Southern Toll free: 1-855-623-1533 Fax: 1-204-331-8899

Nearest Radiation Therapy Centre:

Nearest Community Cancer Program:


closest accessible bloodwork:
Gladstone Health Centre

follow-up and primary care:
By in person appointment or phone call appointment, Telehealth

closest acess to central line cleaning and inspection:
Portage District Hospital, Gladstone Health Centre

medical transportation:

closest access to palliative care:
Volunteer Palliative support. Community senior services

closest access to homecare:

closest personal care and independent living facilities:

community care resources:
Senior services ERIK/ Emergency response info kit

closest accessible mental health supports:
Community mental health services, Gladstone/Portage

closest access to medical supplies:

closest access to groceries:
In Amaranth

transportation routes from the community to winnipeg:
Winnipeg is 2.5 hours away from Amranth

transportation routes from the community to the closest cancer program in the community:
Portage la Prairie is a 1 hour drive from Amranth

risk of transportation loss:
Snow storms could delay travel and/or close highways. Transportation loss occurs more often in winter