
Located nearby St-Lazare, MB

Community Links:





MMF Status: Active

Métis Local #: 91

Number of Métis Citizens: Over 20

Community Government/Council: Municipal Government

Languages Spoken: English

Available Care

Closest Access Hospital with Emergent or Urgent Care: Russell, MB

Closest Pharmacy: Birtle, MB

Services available at the closest accesible nursing station/health centre/hospital/clinic that serves Métis people:
Russell: Palliative Care, Rehabilitation Services, Diagnostic Services, Emergency Services, Home Care Services, Mental Health Services, Primary Care, Cancer Care Services // Birtle: Palliative Care, Diagnostic Services, Emergency Services, Home Care, Elderly Persons Housing, Primary Care, Mental Health Services

Nearest access for being weighed: Birtle, MB

Cancer Navigation Line:
Prairie Mountain Toll free: 1-855-346-3710 Fax: 1-204-578-2834

Nearest Radiation Therapy Centre:

Nearest Community Cancer Program:


closest accessible bloodwork:
It can be done in Birtle once a week, otherwise can be done in Russell

follow-up and primary care:
By appointment only

closest access to cancer related drugs:
Most people go to Saskatchewan for treatment (about 1 hour away)

closest acess to central line cleaning and inspection:
At health care centres in Russell

medical transportation:
Handivan and ambulance

closest access to palliative care:
Birtle offers palliative care through the hospital

closest access to homecare:
Home care is available through the community by Prairie Mountain Health

closest personal care and independent living facilities:
Birtle has person care homes

closest physiotherapy access:
Through Prairie Mountain Health and a private physiotherapist

community care resources:
There are not much community resources in Assiniboine

closest accessible mental health supports:
There are mental health supports in the city but you need to contact them first to set up when and where

closest access to medical supplies:
Brandon or purchase at pharmacy

closest access to groceries:
Must go to Birtle for groceries

transportation routes from the community to winnipeg:
Assiniboine is a 4.5 hour drive to Winnipeg, or emergency air travel from Russell

transportation routes from the community to the closest cancer program in the community:
Brandon is a 1.5 hour drive, and Russell is a 30 minute drive

risk of transportation loss:
Snow storms could delay travel if roads are blocked