
Community Links:
MMF Status: Active
Métis Local #: 27
Number of Métis Citizens: Approximately 42
Population (2021 Census): Cormorant (designated place) - 307
Community Government/Council: Cormorant Community Council
Role of Elders: We are trying to get elders involved in wayside and elder celebrations.
Languages Spoken: English
Available Care
Closest Access Hospital with Emergent or Urgent Care: The Pas
Closest Pharmacy: The Pas
Services available at the closest accesible nursing station/health centre/hospital/clinic that serves Métis people:
Cormorant nursing station for all medical needs. The current nurse there is Nora Constant 204-357-2161
Nearest access for being weighed: Cormorant Nursing Station
Cancer Navigation Line:
Toll free: 1-855-740-9322
Fax: 1-204-677-5387
Nearest Radiation Therapy Centre:
Nearest Community Cancer Program:
The Pas
closest accessible bloodwork:
Nora Constant the nurse can do blood at her station in Cormorant and then it is sent in to The Pas Lab by taxi.
follow-up and primary care:
Follow up at the hospital and follow up for doctor referrals.
closest access to cancer related drugs:
Cormorant community citizens can get cancer related medication sent into the Nursing station by prearrangement.
closest acess to central line cleaning and inspection:
Yes this can be done at the nursing station in Cormorant by the Nurse and supplies are available.
medical transportation:
Cormorant has an on call person available for emergencies, a taxi driver that takes citizens for Medical appointments and an ambulance that comes from The Pas for emergencies.
closest access to palliative care:
The nearest palliative care unit would be in The Pas Hospital.
closest access to homecare:
NRHA in The Pas comes to do some homecare for citizens in Cormorant.
closest personal care and independent living facilities:
The Pas MB
closest physiotherapy access:
The Pas MB
community care resources:
Cormorant: baseball diamond, community hall, basketball, swimming, boating
closest accessible mental health supports:
MMF has some mental health support that we have advertised in our community.
closest access to medical supplies:
The Pas MB
closest access to groceries:
The Pas MB
transportation routes from the community to winnipeg:
It is an 8 hour drive to Winnipeg from Cormorant (there is also the option of taking a train which takes 18hrs, or taking a train to The Pas airport and flying to Winnipeg which takes 4hrs)
transportation routes from the community to the closest cancer program in the community:
6.5 hour drive from Cormorant to Brandon, 8 hour drive (or 4 hour train+fly-in) from Cormorant to Winnipeg
risk of transportation loss:
Snow storms happen often, the community has no maintenance person.