Ebb and Flow First Nation

Community Links:
Website FacebookAffiliation:
Southern Chiefs' Organization PMH West Region Tribal Council Inc.About
Traditional First Nation Community Names: Gaa-gwekwekejiwang
Population (2021 Census): 1,608
Areas included in population data:
Ebb and Flow 52
Band Office Contact Information:
Ebb and Flow MB, R0L 0R0
Phone: 204-448-2134
Fax: 204-448-2305
Remoteness: Semi-remote
Transportation: Road access
Languages Spoken: Ojibwe
Available Care
Advisory: Please be aware these numbers may change without notice - best practice is to call and confirm receipt of important information.
Health Centre:
Ebb & Flow Health Centre
Phone: 204-448-3000
Fax: 204-448-3048
Cancer Navigation Line:
Prairie Mountain
Toll free: 1-855-346-3710
Fax: 1-204-578-2833
Health Director:
Ms. Lillian Houle
Ebb and Flow Health Centre
PO Box 180, Ebb & Flow, MB, R0L 0R0
Nearest Radiation Therapy Centre:
WMCC (Brandon)
Nearest Community Cancer Program:
Telehealth Access:
Ebb & Flow Health Centre
Contact site for availability before booking
Phone: 204-448-3000