Flin Flon
Community Links:
MMF Status: Active
Métis Local #: 30
Number of Métis Citizens: Approximately 300
Population (2021 Census): Flin Flon (city) - 4,940
Community Government/Council: Flin Flon City Council
Role of Elders: Support for friendship centre and MMF local
Languages Spoken: English, Michif, Cree, French
Available Care
Closest Access Hospital with Emergent or Urgent Care: Flin Flon General Hospital
Closest Pharmacy: There are three in Flin Flon
Services available at the closest accesible nursing station/health centre/hospital/clinic that serves Métis people:
Flin Flon General Hospital: Acute Care, Inpatient Services, Palliative Care, Minor Surgery, Outpatient Services, Emergency Department, Diagnostic Services (Lab, X-ray, EKG, Ultrasound), Emergency Medical Services, Ambulance Station, Home Care Services, Adult Day Program, MB Telehealth
Nearest access for being weighed: Flin Flon General Hospital or Primary Health Centre
Cancer Navigation Line:
Toll free: 1-855-740-9322
Fax: 1-204-677-5388
Nearest Radiation Therapy Centre:
Nearest Community Cancer Program:
Flin Flon
closest accessible bloodwork:
Flin Flon General Hospital lab and x-ray department or Flin Flon Clinic
follow-up and primary care:
Call the clinic, leave a message and they will call back within 24 hours and usually appts take approx Two weekend to see physician or nurse practitioner
closest access to cancer related drugs:
Flin Flon General Hospital does adminster some chemotherapy after first set up in Winnipeg
closest acess to central line cleaning and inspection:
Flin Flon General Hospital or Primary Health Centre
medical transportation:
Bus or air flight to Winnipeg, otherwise personal vehicle or taxi within Flin Flon
closest access to palliative care:
Flin Flon General Hospital has palliative care
closest access to homecare:
Home Care is available at Flin Flon General Hospital and there is a manor here as well
closest personal care and independent living facilities:
There are four here in Flin Flon
closest physiotherapy access:
Flin Flon General Hospital
community care resources:
Norman Community Services, Community Adult Learning Services, Flin Flon Aboriginal Friendship Centre, Flin Flon Sr Inc, Flin Flon Community Hall
closest accessible mental health supports:
FlinFlon&District Assessment and Referral Services, Women’s Safe Haven/Resource Services, Addictions Foundation of Manitoba, Manitoba Family Services
closest access to medical supplies:
Pharmasave, Walmart, Home Care, public health
closest access to groceries:
There are three grocery stores here in Flin Flon
transportation routes from the community to winnipeg:
Bus is 12 hours Flying Mon-Fri is 2.5 hoursDriving 8 hours
transportation routes from the community to the closest cancer program in the community:
Brandon is a 7 hour drive from Flin Flon, Dauphin is a 5.5 hour drive from Flin Flon, Winnipeg is an 8 hour drive from Flin Flon
risk of transportation loss:
Winter storms cause delays or cancellations for flights and driving up to 5 times per year