Garden Hill First Nation

Community Links:
Website FacebookHealth Centre:
Four Arrows Regional Health Authority Inc. WRHA Island Lake Tribal CouncilAbout
Population (2021 Census): 3,054
Band Office Contact Information:
P.O. Box 261
Island Lake MB, R0B 0T0
Phone: 204-456-2085
Fax: 204-456-9315
Languages Spoken: Anishininewmowin
Available Care
Cancer Navigation Line:
Toll free: 1-855-740-9322
Fax: 1-204-677-5387
Health Director:
Mr. Oberon Munroe
Kitiganwacheeng Health Services Inc.
P.O. Box 584, Island Lake, MB, R0B 0T0
Phone: 204-456-2404
Fax: 204-456-2996
Nearest Radiation Therapy Centre:
Nearest Community Cancer Program:
Nursing Station:
Nursing Station
Box 264
Garden Hill, MB R0B 0T0
Telephone: 204-456-2615
Fax: 204-456-2866
Telehealth Access:
Garden Hill Nursing Station
Contact site for availability before booking
Phone: 204-456-2343
transportation route
Garden Hill airport is not located in the community therefore to reach the community during break-up and freeze-up, you must travel by helicopter, snowmobile or at times hovercraft. During the summer a boat taxi and medical transport boat is available for patients. The winter road is accessible for approximately 6 weeks depending on the weather.