
Minitonas is an unincorporated urban community in the Municipality of Minitonas – Bowsman. It is surrounded by the Swan Valley and is located 15 km east of the Town of Swan River. The community is close to the Duck Mountain Provincial Park.

Community Links:





MMF Status: Active

Métis Local #: 14

Number of Métis Citizens: Approximately 40

Population (2021 Census): Minitonas (designated place) - 465

Community Government/Council: Municipal

Role of Elders: Information and knowledge sharing

Languages Spoken: English and Saulteaux

Available Care

Closest Access Hospital with Emergent or Urgent Care: Swan River (Swan Valley Health Centre) 17km away

Closest Pharmacy: Swan River (17km away)

Services available at the closest accesible nursing station/health centre/hospital/clinic that serves Métis people:
Swan River: Nurse Practitioners, Acute Care (Palliative Care, Paediatrics, Rehabilitation Medicine, Surgery), Community Cancer Program, Diagnostic Services (Lab, X-ray, EKG, Ultrasound), Emergency Medical Services, Physiotherapy, Home Care Services, Community Mental Health Services, Long Term Care Facilities, Primary Health Care, Family Physician Services/Clinics, Public Health Services, MB Telehealth

Nearest access for being weighed: Swan Valley Health Centre, Swan Valley Primary Care

Cancer Navigation Line:
Prairie Mountain Toll free: 1-855-346-3710 Fax: 1-204-578-2833

Nearest Radiation Therapy Centre:

Nearest Community Cancer Program:
Swan River


closest accessible bloodwork:
Lab in Swan River, referral from doctor or nurse practitioner is needed, by appointment only

follow-up and primary care:
Book an appointment but they have long wait tines, weeks to months

closest access to cancer related drugs:
Swan River, Dauphin, Brandon

closest acess to central line cleaning and inspection:
Swan Valley Health Centre

medical transportation:
Ambulance Services (and Air Ambulance), Handi-Van in Swan River

closest access to palliative care:
Swan Valley Primary Health Centre has palliative care.

closest access to homecare:
Swan Valley Health Centre has homecare with meals and cleaning but they are very understaffed.

closest personal care and independent living facilities:
Swan River Personal Care Homes

closest physiotherapy access:
Swan Valley Primary Health Centre has physiotherapy services and Minitonas has a privately owned physiotherapy clinic.

community care resources:
Minitonas: Arena, curling club, golf, horse pull, sportsgrounds, soccer pitch, clubs

closest accessible mental health supports:
Swan Valley Health Centre has mental health service but there are long wait times for an appointment.

closest access to medical supplies:
Medi Chair store in Swan River and Dauphin Mobility in Dauphin

closest access to groceries:
Grocery stores are in Swan River (17 km)

transportation routes from the community to winnipeg:
Minitonas is a 500km (5 1/2 hours) drive from Winnipeg

transportation routes from the community to the closest cancer program in the community:
There is a cancer program in Swan River, which is a 17km drive from Minitonas.

risk of transportation loss:
Slow highway movement due to snow/ice, which increases drive times