Sayisi Dene Denesuline Nation, Tadoule Lake

Community Links:
Website FacebookHealth Centre:
MKO NRHA Keewatin Tribal Council Inc.About
Traditional First Nation Community Names: Tes-He-Olie Twe
Population (2021 Census): 324 (2016)
Band Office Contact Information:
Tadoule Lake MB, R0B 2C0
Phone: 204-684-2022
Fax: 204-684-2090
Remoteness: Isolated
Transportation: Fly-in
Languages Spoken: Dene
Available Care
Advisory: Due to staffing shortages and inclement weather in the North, emergency closures of Health Centres, Hospitals and Nursing Stations may occur.
Cancer Navigation Line:
Toll free: 1-855-740-9322
Fax: 1-204-677-5403
Health Director:
Tadoule Lake Health Department
General Delivery, Tadoule Lake, MB, R0B 2C0
Phone: 204-684-2777
Fax: 204-684-2614
Sheldon Clipping
Nearest Radiation Therapy Centre:
CCMB (Winnipeg)
Nearest Community Cancer Program:
Nursing Station:
Nursing Station
General Delivery
Tadoule Lake, MB R0B 2C0
Telephone: 204-684-2031
Fax: 204-684-2049
First Nation Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB)
Telehealth Access:
Tadoule Lake Nursing Station
Contact site for availability before booking
Phone: 204-684-2031