Shell River Métis Association

Community Links:
MMF Status: Active
Métis Local #: 21
Population (2021 Census): Hillsburg-Roblin-Shell River (Municipality) - 3,090
Community Government/Council: MMF Northwest Region
Languages Spoken: English
Available Care
Closest Access Hospital with Emergent or Urgent Care: Swan River Dauphin
Closest Pharmacy: Swan River, Dauphin, Birtle, Virden, Hamiota
Services available at the closest accesible nursing station/health centre/hospital/clinic that serves Métis people:
Swan River: Acute Care (Palliative Care), Community Cancer Program (Chemotherapy), Diagnostic Services, Emergency Services, Physiotherapy, Home Care Services, Health Care, Family Physicians, Public Health Services, Telehealth // Ethelbert: Home Care, Mental Health Services, Primary Care, Cancer Navigation, Family Physicians, Primary Care, Public Health // Roblin: Acute Care, Palliative Care, Diagnostic Services, Emergency Services, Rehabilitation Services, Mental Health Services, Cancer Navigation, Telehealth // Russell: Palliative Care, Rehabilitation Services, Diagnostic Services, Emergency Services, Home Care Services, Mental Health Services, Primary Care, Cancer Care Services // Birtle: Palliative Care, Diagnostic Services, Emergency Services, Home Care, Elderly Persons Housing, Primary Care, Mental Health Services // Dauphin: Emergency Department, Maternity, Palliative Care, Rehab, Dialysis Services, Cancer Care Services, Surgery Services
Nearest access for being weighed: Any walk-in clinic or family physician
Nearest Radiation Therapy Centre:
Nearest Community Cancer Program:
Swan River
closest accessible bloodwork:
Swan River, Ethelbert, Roblin, Russell, Dauphin, Birtle
follow-up and primary care:
Ethelbert, Swan River, Roblin, Russell, Birtle
closest acess to central line cleaning and inspection:
Swan River, Ethelbert, Roblin, Russell, Dauphin, Birtle
medical transportation:
Ambulance available in Swan River, Roblin, Russell, Birtle, Ambulance
closest access to palliative care:
Palliative Care in Swan River, Dauphin, Roblin, Russell, Birtle
closest access to homecare:
Home Care available in Dauphin, Swan River, Ethelbert, Roblin, Russell, Birtle
closest personal care and independent living facilities:
Dauphin, Winnipegosis, Swan River, Russell
closest physiotherapy access:
Swan River
community care resources:
Dauphin: recreation services, pool, skating rink, walking track, movie theatre, senior community centre // Swan River: swimming pool, senior community centre, recreation services
closest accessible mental health supports:
Swan River, Ethelbert, Dauphin, Roblin, Russell/Rossburn
closest access to medical supplies:
Dauphin Mobility
closest access to groceries:
Roblin (12 mins), Kamsack, SK (30 mins), Grandview (1 hr), Swan River (50 mins)
transportation routes from the community to winnipeg:
Highway from Shell River to Winnipeg (4.5 hr drive)
transportation routes from the community to the closest cancer program in the community:
Community Cancer Program in Swan River (about 1 hr away), Cancer Navigation in Ethelbert (about 1.5 hrs away), Cancer Navigation in Roblin (about 12 mins away), Community Cancer Program in Russell/Rossburn (about 50 mins away), Cancer Care Services in Dauphin (about 1 hr away)
risk of transportation loss:
Sometimes the highway may be closed due to snow