Snow Lake

Snow Lake is a town located at the end of Provincial Road 392.

Community Links:





MMF Status: Active

Métis Local #: 38

Population (2021 Census): Snow Lake (town) - 1,088

Community Government/Council: Council

Languages Spoken: English

Available Care

Closest Access Hospital with Emergent or Urgent Care: Snow Lake has a hospital but they are on hold due to nursing shortages

Closest Pharmacy: Snow Lake

Services available at the closest accesible nursing station/health centre/hospital/clinic that serves Métis people:
There is a doctor at the hospital - phone number: 358-2300

Nearest access for being weighed: At the hospital

Cancer Navigation Line:
Northern Toll free: 1-855-740-9322 Fax: 1-204-677-5390

Nearest Radiation Therapy Centre:

Nearest Community Cancer Program:
Flin Flon


closest accessible bloodwork:
At the hospital

follow-up and primary care:
Make an appointment with a doctor at the hospital in Snow Lake for follow-ups

closest access to cancer related drugs:
The Pas

closest acess to central line cleaning and inspection:
Patients need to go to The Pas

medical transportation:

closest access to palliative care:
No palliative care in Snow Lake due to nurse shortages, need to go to The Pas

closest access to homecare:
None available here, closest is The Pas

closest personal care and independent living facilities:
None available here, closest is The Pas

closest physiotherapy access:
The Pas, MB

community care resources:
Arena, Library, Curling Club, Golf & Country Club

closest accessible mental health supports:
No support available here

closest access to medical supplies:
The Pas, MB

closest access to groceries:
Snow Lake

transportation routes from the community to winnipeg:
Winnipeg is a 10 hour drive from Snow Lake, or it takes about 5 hours to drive to Flin Flon and fly from there to Winnipeg. There are also other options for train, bus etc.

transportation routes from the community to the closest cancer program in the community:
The Pas has Cancer Care access (2.5 hour drive)

risk of transportation loss:
several times a year due to snow storms