South Junction

South Junction is a community in southeastern Manitoba in the Rural Municipality of Piney. It is approximately 160 km southeast of Winnipeg near the Canada–United States border. The Roseau–South Junction Border Crossing is located south of the community.

Community Links:





MMF Status: Active

Métis Local #: 80

Number of Métis Citizens: Approximately 100

Population (2021 Census): Piney (RM) - 1,843

Community Government/Council: RM of Piney

Languages Spoken: English and French

Available Care

Closest Access Hospital with Emergent or Urgent Care: Steinbach MB (66 miles) or Roseau, Minnesota (22 miles)

Closest Pharmacy: Vita, MB (62 miles)

Services available at the closest accesible nursing station/health centre/hospital/clinic that serves Métis people:
East Borderland Primary Care Centre in Sprague

Nearest access for being weighed: At the clinic in Sprague

Cancer Navigation Line:
Southern Toll free: 1-855-623-1533 Fax: 1-204-331-8899

Nearest Radiation Therapy Centre:

Nearest Community Cancer Program:


closest accessible bloodwork:
Roseau, Minnesota. Sprague, MB at above note locations. Steinbach hospital or Winnipeg.

follow-up and primary care:
All follow up care must be in Winnipeg, Steinbach, or Winkler.

closest access to cancer related drugs:
Please contact the local health nurse at the East Borderland Primary Health Care Center for that information. Her name is Tiffany Thunder. Her number is 204-437-3015

closest acess to central line cleaning and inspection:
Contact the health nurse, Tiffany Thunder, at 204-437-3015

medical transportation:
There presently is volunteers that can transport people to medical appointments. This initiative is funded by a grant and only temporary.

closest access to palliative care:

closest access to homecare:
There are people that travel to seniors homes to provide necessary services.

closest personal care and independent living facilities:
Vita, Mb which is 62 miles one way. We also have the East Borderland Community Housing which has a dozen suites for seniors.

closest physiotherapy access:

community care resources:
We have a wellness program where a worker provides activities once a week for seniors.

closest accessible mental health supports:
We have a social worker based at the local health unit

closest access to medical supplies:
At the pharmacy in vita, or Roseau, Minnesota

closest access to groceries:
At the local store in Sprague, MB

transportation routes from the community to winnipeg:
travel time to Winnipeg is 2 hours one way by paved highway

transportation routes from the community to the closest cancer program in the community:
Winnipeg would be the closest

risk of transportation loss:
We are a very remote area with limited resources. Travel for appointments can be difficult in winter.