St. Labre

Located within the RM of Piney, approximately 120 km from Winnipeg. Nearby communities include Woodridge and Sandilands.

Community Links:




MMF Status: Active

Métis Local #: 82

Number of Métis Citizens: , only a few

Population (2021 Census): Piney (RM) - 1,843

Community Government/Council: RM

Languages Spoken: English and French

Available Care

Closest Access Hospital with Emergent or Urgent Care: Steinbach

Closest Pharmacy: La Broquerie

Services available at the closest accesible nursing station/health centre/hospital/clinic that serves Métis people:
Steinbach: cancer care navigations, cancercare, CT, ultrasound, emergency department, laboratory, physiotherapy, surgery, Telehealth, x-ray

Nearest access for being weighed: Cinic in Steinbach or La Broquerie

Cancer Navigation Line:
Southern Toll free: 1-855-623-1533 Fax: 1-204-331-8901

Nearest Radiation Therapy Centre:

Nearest Community Cancer Program:


closest accessible bloodwork:
Steinbach or Ste Anne

follow-up and primary care:
Call to make an appointment, or attend the Same-Day clinics (call first)

closest acess to central line cleaning and inspection:
At any hospitals or clinics. There are some nurses that travel to the patients house to do this.

medical transportation:

closest access to palliative care:
Palliative Care in Steinbach and Ste Anne

closest access to homecare:
Home care is available in Steinbach

closest personal care and independent living facilities:

closest physiotherapy access:

community care resources:
There is one in Steinbach Pat Porter.There is a group that get together in Woodridge at the hall that do exercises

closest access to medical supplies:
Steinbach or Winnipeg

closest access to groceries:
There is a store in Woodridge but very expensive but most people go to La Broquerie or Steinbach

transportation routes from the community to winnipeg:
Winnipeg is a 1.5 hour drive from St. Labre

transportation routes from the community to the closest cancer program in the community:
Steinbach has a CancerCare clinic which is 45 minutes away

risk of transportation loss:
Weather in the winter could effect travel